Michelle Hillard, Georgia Department of Services Parental Accountability Court Coordinator
The WIOA One Stop System partners with the Georgia Department of Services to facilitate additional resources for our communities. This partnership has provided access to technology and individualized employment services for many rural residents. Michelle Hillard, Parental Accountability Court Coordinator with the Georgia Department of Services, Division of Child Support Services, shares her experice working with the WIOA One Stop System in Bleckley County.
"The WIOA program in our community has greatly benefited many individuals, including myself. This program seeks to help those overcome the barriers which prevent them from being capable of meeting their child support obligation.
One such barrier that is constant is unemployment. The WIOA program has been a great resource for those that I serve. Technology is forever changing and touches every facet of our lives. Many employers rely on the advantages technology affords during employee recruitment. The days of pen and paper applications are nearly obsolete. Those seeking employment require technical skills to secure sustainable employment. When I work with participants at the WIOA One Stop, they have the advantage of networking in a relaxed environment. The Resource Specialist always helps provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. The application process can be intimidating for some. At the WIOA office, an individual acquires confidence and self-assurance. With each completed application, one opens the door to opportunity and self-reliance. We work together to formulate resumes, upload cover letters, and fax applications. Participants learn to market their skills.
Our economy is forever changing. We must surround ourselves with resources promoting improvement. The success that I value the most is for an individual to continue to utilize the services provided through WIOA One Stops even after employment is obtained."
MAY 2023